Tuesday, November 30, 2010

WEEK 2, Tuesday, 30th November 2010

Last night I felt so guilty I went on the bike for 30mins, 6 miles I cycled!! Gym today!


WEEK 2, Monday, 29th November 2010

AAAAHHHHHHH disaster!!! Went out with college last Tuesday night..I had been so, so good all day, I even brought my own dinner with me (it leaked all over my bag during the day)! Everyone got pizza and I had my prepared meal, which was stir-fry with some rice. 

Of course today on Wednesday I was feeling a little worse for wear and have ended up not tracking. I ate about 35 rich tea biscuits covered in dairy milk chocolate, threw a few pringles down the gob too...I came home, decided my hungover mouth was not satisfied yet and decided pasta was what i was after...mmmmmmm pasta.

I love pasta more than anything, I love it. It's pure comfort. Deeeelish...

So I decided after my run in with a hangover, to get back on track for Thursday...the BIG day, week one weigh - in! 

I went to collect Aisling and bought a can of Diet Coke for the meeting. I was nervous but tried to stay positive and thought, what's done is done. Up I got and was delighted to discover I was FIVE pounds down! Total happiness! Made the week worthwhile. The good news also gave me a desire to try hard again for Week 2! 

Try hard, I have not!

So here I am, it's Monday afternoon, the snow has made me lethargic, and since I didn't trek into college I promised myself to get organised for the rest of the week ahead!

I was worried about my boyfriend coming back for the weekend as I always seem to eat more when he's around. And usually its eating more bad food than good. 

Anyway I was right to be worried, I was in work Friday, Saturday and Sunday and havn't tracked once!!! This is going to be such a disadvantage at the meeting on Thursday. I'm terrified and wish I could take it all back!!! I was good and ate well for breakfast and lunch as I was in work but in the evening when I came home I did my usual eating dinner, but also eating everything around me. To be fair I was a lot less indulgent than I have been in the past, but still I feel like I've ruined my week!!

I really think that tracking is the key, last week when I lost the five pounds I wrote EVERYTHING down. I didn't miss a thing (apart from my Wednesday stodge fest). I really think thats what stopped me from eating crap. I wasn't bothered with the effort of writing things down, so I just didnt eat them.

Today I'm back on track and I'm going to try to earn back some of the points I lost during the weekend. I am having a yogurt at breakfast and am going to have Zero Points Soup today and tomorrow. I join the gym tomorrow as well so am hoping a swim or two might level out the damage done!!

So am back tracking and currently orgainsing my life!!!! 

Praying for another two pounds this week to get my FIRST EVER SILVER 7!!!!


Monday, November 22, 2010

WEEK 1, Monday, 22nd November 2010

Well, I got through my first weekend back on track and all was okay minus a brief encounter with chocolate fondue on Friday night (thanks to Nudes), marshmallows and all...fortunately I tracked every bit of chocolate that entered my gob, and may have gone over points slightly (!) but didn't allow it to ruin the rest of my weekend!

I've written down everything, every morsel, and I actually do find that it prevents me from picking at food during the day. It means I have to think longer before doing anything. As Fi says, "If you smell it, bite it, or lick it…track it!"

I felt a bit low yesterday thinking that this two stone is on top of the other two and a half that I’ll need to lose to reach my first goal! I was so close the last time I was on the program and let it all slip through my greedy little fingers. But I'm going to persevere! It'll be tough but I think I can do it!

Worrying that I'll end up bored eating the same food all the time so tonight I'm making some zero points soup with whatever veg I can find in the nearly empty fridge and get some WeightWatchers recipes to try out this week for something more interesting than tuna-sweet corn pasta or baked potato! Also going to consult with Aisling about recipes she liked before!

I’m starting to feel much healthier already! Less sluggish and my moods are stabilising, well I'm a tiny bit more stable than usual!! Trying to drink lots and lots of water as that's supposed to help my blood flow as well as keeping me from snacking!

Last night, unfortunately, I stayed up way too late, resulting in getting up late this morning with no time to eat the porridge I had laid out the night before. I ended up stuffing a yogurt in my face and going out the door in a rush. I really missed having a proper breakfast to start the day and was SO grateful for the lunch I'd made the night before! 

Getting nervous now about the fast approaching Thursday weigh-in! Fingers crossed I keep on track! Just have to stay positive and organised!

‘Twill all be fine!!!

Went into Topshop today on my way back from college and if ever there was a motivation for me!! I am dyyyyyying for payday next week but don't know whether to treat myself now or save for a few months until (hopefully) I'm fabulous!!


Saturday, November 20, 2010

WEEK 1, Friday, 19th November 2010

Well, it's been a long four months off the wagon, but this week I though it was about time I hopped back on. Especially with the Christmas season fast approaching, the feeling like a hippo wobbling around the place cannot persist! 

The real trigger this week to return to the WeightWatchers program was when I was told by my wonderful boyfriend how "classic" it was that my boobs were so big again. 

Big. Mistake. 

Bigger boobs means weight gain becoming noticable.

I was in hospital in September and since then have been eating all around me. Purely feeling sorry for my large self and nursing my woes with Malteasers and Tayto Bistro (salt and vinegar). And everyone says... you shouldn't be worrying about your weight, you need to focus on your health. Well my eating everything in sight is affecting my currently off the walls mental health which is doing no one any favours!

So anyway, today was the day. Back to WeightWatchers I would waddle, and waddle I did! 

I was first in the queue for the 8pm meeting, with fellow WeightWatcher and gorgeous friend Aisling. As we were waiting for the previous meeting to finish up the panic starts. "It's not too late to run away! She's going to murder me, she's going to call me a big, fat, wobbly hippo and murder me!" (She being the lovely F, our leader...who most definitely would not murder me, no matter the gain) So as I said, panic running through every vein in the wobbly bod. Trying to make an approximate count of how many McDonalds' I've consumed since I was last there, trying to balance it in my head with made up excercise, like counting walking up the stairs in work a few times a week. Any way all this pre - meeting panic was useless as the damage was done. 

So the weighing starts and our lovely leader greets me with a smile and says "Sure wasn't I only thinking of you the other day". To which I reply a mortified "I'm so, so sorry I havn't been here, I need help, I'm a mess, I've been sick..." etc etc etc etc all the usual things one says when one knows one has been a bold, bold WeightWatcher.

Up on the scales I go, and to be honest now I had weighed myself the other night and decided that the weighing scales must have been broken as I could not possibly have gained a stone and a half since the last time I weighed myself!
Turned out the scales were indeed wrong as I had gained not ONE stone and a HALF at all, but TWO BIG FAT STONES onto my already wobbly self.

Now to say I felt crap would be an understatement, I have not felt that bad in a long time. But lovely Fiona was calm, no judgment, no panic just "We'll have most of it off by Christmas".

I'm not going to let the daunting amount of weight-to-goal stop me from this time FINALLY being able to get into a pair of skinny jeans and feel like Victoria Beckham! lol...

So here I am, starting a blog of all things. Praying to all the WeightWatchers in the world that this will be some sort of motivation and I can finally, finally reach goal!!

Here goes nothing...
