Thursday, January 13, 2011

NEW YEAR, NEW PLAN!!! (Better late than never!!)

SOOOO, I have abandoned the world of blogging for the last few months! I have been all over the place with Christmas and work and just generally not being organised. I ate like a pig all through the holidays and by nothing short of a miracle had only gained a half a pound when I went back to Weight Watchers last Thursday.

A HALF A POUND!! Sure that's nothing at all, I can obviously eat whatever I want and not gain weight! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, stop this sort of thinking immediately before I have another ten half pounds! Thats just what you automatically think when something like that happens. Aaaah its grand, springs to mind. It is not grand, right. NOT. GRAND.

Anyway, this week I've been in Galway and last week I had the worst flu I have ever experienced in my life, so I'm making mountains of excuses for my horrendous food choices since I'm supposed to be back on the wagon. BUT, I WENT BACK TO WEIGHT WATCHERS. That, friends, is the main point. 

So tomorrow is Thursday and I'm going back home in the morning. I should be going back to Weight Watchers for my second weigh in, my first following the new ProPoints program. But, I have not been following the new ProPoints program at all, at all. This week I have been following the big, fat Roisin program, so what I'm going to do is go down to Weight Watchers with Aisling (who has also not been very good this week) and I'm going to listen and stay for the meeting, but I'm not going to get weighed! Aaaaah sure it's graaannnd!

This may seem like a silly plan, but what you must understand is that it's the taking part that counnnntts!!!!! Lol, I joke. I know that its not just the taking part that counts, but really I think going to the meeting is just as important as getting weighed so I'm starting the plan properly tomorrow and am at present writing out my list of fruit and veg that I'm going to need for the week. I am also going to make a plan of my meals for the week and snacks too. I will sort out my schedule and have gym times allocated so I will finally, finally, FINALLY be organised!!!! 

Also going to clean my room, I just think life feels so much better with a clean room!! 

Back to work part time again instead of full time like I was doing over Christmas so I have time to fix my life and myself! 

Can I get a whoop for 2011!! Lol I'm obviously feeling a whole lot more positive than I thought! Delighted! I will post my meal plan and exercise regime in the next few days along with some ProPoints info!


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